• The Black Lagoon Or The Blue Lagoon?

    To men of a certain age, the word “lagoon” conjures two very different images. In the first, it’s the Creature from the Black Lagoon — a scary gill-man emerging from the ooze. In the other, it’s the idyllic Blue Lagoon, with Brooke Shields frolicking in an island fantasyland.

Jim Lauria

Jim Lauria


Jim Lauria is an executive in the water technology field with a proven track record of revenue growth, profit improvement, and new business development.

Having been president of both a mining company and a chemical distribution firm, he takes a CEO’s first-hand perspective of water as a strategic resource. Combining this experience with his many years selling water treatment systems and process solutions, he has developed a unique view of water stewardship. Jim is particularly adept at helping companies position their value in the water space by mapping strategies to navigate the convoluted relationships and complex regulations of local markets.

While living in Hong Kong, Jim did a trains, planes, and automobiles tour of China, visiting breweries, oil refineries, and water treatment plants to direct a $45-million investment in Chinese mining operations. In 2004 he provided peer review for the World Health Organization's publication on drinking water treatment, making him a Who's Who of WHO.

As a writer, Jim has written features and cover articles for most of the leading water industry publications in the U.S. and many top international magazines. His blog on the Huffington Post about global water management practices has received responses from all levels of industry and government. He is a top contributor for Water Online with his work consistently generating thousands of page views on a year-in and year-out basis.

Jim holds a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering degree from Manhattan College.

He lives in San Francisco with his wife, Laurie Lauria, who brings his life love, laughter, and alliteration.