Company Profile | January 1, 1996

Beverage World

Source: Beverage World
If you summed it up in a word, the word would be more. Beverage World, Beverage World International and Beverage World en Español offer more ideas, more news, more research, more editorial experience and more readership than any other publications serving the multibillion-dollar beverage market.

Each month our seasoned staff investigates the most important trends affecting beverage producers and distributors to create business journals that are as colorful as they are useful.

Beverage World starts up with special news scopes focusing on soft drinks, waters, beer, wine, spirits, juices, recycling, industry suppliers and the world. Our cover story and features follow, presenting critical industry issues, hot companies and products, interviews with top executives, and new developments in production, packaging, marketing and distribution. And then there are Beverage World's departments with news and advice on fleet management, beverage operations, solid waste, recycling, quality control, the law, sales management, productivity, products, industry events, industry people and more.

Beverage World International follows as the most comprehensive beverage publication specifically directed to international markets with more than 20,000 BPA audited circulation in over 150 countries (excluding US and Canada). We also have Beverage World en Español read by more than 10,000 Spanish-speaking beverage producers and distributors in some of the world's largest and fastest-growing beverage market.

The formula is simple. Make a better product and provide added value and you'll have more customers. Which is why Beverage World, Beverage World International and Beverage World en Español have more readers and more advertisers than any other beverage publications.